Evo UV Product Line

EVO HYDRO-RAD and UV-RAD are full lines of high-performance technology in UV-curable coatings for wood applications.
At Gemini, we focus on partnering with manufacturers to achieve the quality, production and environmental goals that your customers require.
Our cutting-edge technology, innovative coatings systems and advanced technical support will increase your competitiveness in the
woodworking industry and raise the bar for your customers.
Gemini has the resources and relationships in place to develop UV technologies that meet specific application and performance requirements
along with a wide array of companion products to fit any customer’s needs.
EVO HYDRO-RAD and UV-RAD are separated into three categories:
HYDRO-RAD Waterborne UV Clears and Pigmented:
Stains, Fillers, Primers, Basecoats, Sealers, Enamels, Topcoats
UV-RAD 100% Solids UV Clears and Pigmented
Stains, Fillers, Primers, Basecoats, Sealers, Inks, Enamels, Topcoats
UV-RAD Solvent UV Clears and Pigmented:
Primers, Basecoats, Sealers, Glazes, Enamels, Topcoats
Modes of Application include:
- Spray
- Roll Coat
- Vacuum Coat
- Mist Coat
- Curtain Coat
- Flow Coat